Sunday, May 26, 2013

Message from Harrison Steals~N~Deals

So for the past year or so life has been hectic. My co-blogger Jessie has graciously taken on the challenge of the blog. And for that I want to say thank you! But times have changed and I feel it is in the best intrest of the blog that I take back my role not only as the Owner and Creator of Harrison Steals~N~deals but as the person responisble for bringing you weekly savings. The page will be taking on a new look and format that I am sure you ALL will love. The lists will be posted every Sunday Morning & Thursday morning (or late Wednesday) for your shopping experiance. I hope you all will be patient as these new changes take effect. Happy Shopping All!



  1. Looking forward to the new look. Thanks for all you do

  2. Replies
    1. She asked us to be patient. I'm sure it will be back up and going soon. In the mean time, you're going to have to do the work yourself..maybe then you can appreciate the hard work that goes into this site..the site that doesn't cost you a thing and is being done out of the goodness of this girls heart. Give her a break

  3. the facebook page explains that there are computer issues causing delays.....has to buy a new computer, the old one is fried. Maybe the list will be back by next week.
